I am an Assistant Professor of Finance at NUS Business School, National University of Singapore. My research focuses on banking, financial stability, and household finance and has been published in the Review of Financial Studies, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, and Management Science. I hold a Ph.D. in Finance from New York University Stern School of Business.
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Recent Updates
- Recent presentations: NUS RMI Annual Conference; NFA; Renmin University of China (Business School)
- Recent & Upcoming discussions: EFA; SFS Cavalcade Asia Pacific
- August 2024: My paper “Reducing Racial Disparities in Consumer Credit: Evidence from Anonymous Loan Applications” (joint with Poorya Kabir) was accepted for publication in Management Science.
- April 2024: My paper “Non-Performing Loan Disposals without Resolution” (joint with Ben Charoenwong and Meng Miao) was published in Management Science. The working paper version can be found here. The illicit concealment phenomenon documented in this paper was validated by recent regulatory actions, see this article by the Economist.
- March 2024: I’ve posted a new paper “Size-Based Regulation and Bank Fragility: Evidence from the Wells Fargo Asset Cap” (joint with Siddharth Vij), also see my Twitter Thread. Comments and feedback are very welcome!
- March 2024: My paper “Digital Payments and Consumption: Evidence from the 2016 Demonetization in India” (joint with Sumit Agarwal, Pulak Ghosh, and Jing Li) was published in the Review of Financial Studies.
- January 2024: My paper “Transient Customer Response to Data Breaches of Their Information” (joint with Sumit Agarwal, Pulak Ghosh, and Yunqi Zhang) was published in Management Science. The working paper version can be found here; also see my Twitter Thread.
Contact Info
NUS Business School
Mochtar Riady Building
15 Kent Ridge Drive, BIZ1 07-72
Singapore 119245
Tel: +65 6516 7505
Email: tianyue.ruan@nus.edu.sg